Tuesday, December 31, 2013















告诉自己 妳长大了
谢谢自己一直坚持着 努力着

“不要这么容易就想放弃就像我说的 追不到的梦想换个梦不就得了”

就好 :)





Thursday, July 11, 2013


考完中五大考后,知道自己并没有那么快就要继续升学的打算,所以决定了去打份工,赚些零用钱买自己想买的东西。起初自己并没有想要当老师或助教的念头,在家里自己的 “没耐性” 可是出了名的,要我面对着一堆东奔西跳的小孩一整天?我办不到。可是话说工作难找啊,我不得不承认,从收银员到服务员,我竟然找不到工!真是丢脸到~ 所以在无可奈何的情况下,我决定了,我去当老师!

我任教的地方是一间托儿所兼补习中心,说当老师好像不怎么对,因为我的工作简直就是妈妈!从检查功课到添饭洗碗碟到催促学生们去冲凉准备去学校,下午还要帮幼儿园的学生洗澡泡奶带他们上楼睡午觉,无一不是妈妈坐的事。总之,我无缘无故地当了五个月的实习妈妈 @@

以前的我很不了解,为什么老师一点点就要罚,妈咪一点点就要骂。可是现在我懂了,彻彻底底地了解了。小孩子的 pattern seriously BANYAK! 前一秒认为他是个乖孩子,怎知一转身 —— 忘了我刚才说的话吧。。。

依稀记得第一天上班的情况,校长把我安排去教三年级的班。她一说完,我就收到了另一位老师传来的同情的目光。心想 “ 很恐怖的吗?”,但还没来得及想别的,我就站在三年级课室的门口了。深深地吸了一大口气,打开门,一个不明物体朝我的方向飞了过来,正中我的额头!天啊,世界大战吗?我连班上都还没来得及踏进一步就被将和自己相处五个月的学生攻击了。但是这一位老师可没那么好欺负哦,反攻是必然的。于是,我使出了老师最拿手的武器 —— 给功课!哈哈哈

因为这样,我发现了自己的一个弱点,那就是心太软!学生求我别给那么多作业,我就好吧好吧可怜你们。求我别告诉校长,我也好吧好吧再给你一次机会 *虽然已原谅过他们十次* 哎,你们就别再求老师了啊好吗?老师的心硬不来啊 /_\


一开始上班,似乎什么事都很容易上手,唯有一件事让我有些不知所措 —— 帮幼儿园的小孩洗澡!十八年来,我好像不曾帮任何人冲过凉啊,该从何处下手呢?况且他是个是个是个小男孩勒。。。只记得最后我按了些洗发精和沐浴露在他们身上乱刷乱抹,再用水乱射一会儿就大功告成了。原来帮小孩洗澡的感觉是这样的啊哈哈。


另一个难题就是在开启冷气的那一瞬间,随时都会有蟑螂飞出来。从小就被我姐和我妹训练到看见蟑螂就是要叫要喊,其实自己也不清楚自己到底怕不怕蟑螂,就只是很自然的 “啊啊啊啊啊~!” 然后逃离现场,而且还是带头跑的那个,真的是丢脸丢到一个极点 TT 记得有一次,校长听到我们的喊叫声跑了上来,然后就骂学生们 “做什么喊到这样大声,蟑螂罢了嘛怕什么?” 然后顺手打了几位她认为喊得最大声的学生。厄厄我想说对不起啦,喊得最大声的好像是老师我啊 ><




还记得小学时期因为看不懂乐谱上的豆豆,时常要硬着脸皮求朋友帮我在音符上写上 ABC,也因此激起了我要在上中学时参加乐团的心愿。就在一天下午,我的五年级学生在为他们学校的笛子考试做准备,我走到他们旁边做了下来,他们就问:“老师你会吹吗?” “会啊” 我说。“我们不信,你吹吹看。” 在他们的世界中,老师就是很老的,比你大很多的那种。可是我和他们只不过是七年之差啊,我上的小学课程和他们的差不多而已。我二话不说,拿起笛子,翻开他们的音乐课本,吹了他们还没学到的 《捉泥鳅》。他们个个睁大了双眼看着我,然后 “哇,老师你很厉害勒。” “老师你还记得怎么按哦” 老实说,我也很惊讶自己还一清二楚地记得笛子的按法,不过听到你们这么说,我还是有种莫名的感触啦,毕竟以前的我根本吹不出啊。自那以后,那一堆学生就会时不时地要我教他们吹笛子,我当然乐意啊!p/s: 也很暗爽哈哈 XD


开办这间托儿所的夫妇都是退休了的校长,待人很好。我刚去上班时他们还会问我 “吃早餐了没?还没的话可以去拿面包吃哦。” 有时在洗碗碟时,她会叫我先去吃饭,她来洗这些碗碟。午觉时间,他们会叫我跟着小孩们一起睡,休息一会儿。孩子们吃面包的时候,他们会一直要我去泡茶喝。说真的,我超级不好意思的,有时还会想我是不是来做工的啊?

话说人类是有感情的动物,我和那堆小鬼早已远远超越了老师和学生之间该有的感情。我也没有从一开始就把老师的尊严挂在身上,老是加入他们像大孩子一样和他们一起玩一起闹 *虽然最后被罚的是他们哈哈* 他们有时会告诉我他们的心事,跟我说他们要学这个学那个好烦啊。有的把我称为好朋友并非老师。还有几个六年级的男孩看到我时都会说 “ GD 的老婆 hello! ” 我觉得我好像在一瞬间多了好多好多的朋友,感觉很棒。:)


"Teacher i'll miss you, must come back next time ok?"

"I will."



幼儿班学生当中最乖的一个 :)



Friday, December 21, 2012

full stop.

Was watching running man halfway and i realised there's only three days left to 21st December yes it's world end! Dont realy believe in world end anyways but i still decided to complete my annual blog post before it realy comes. Ya u'll say no point blogging as everything, the whole world the whole universe will gone after world ends but well who knows maybe there's still internet after world ends and my blog is the only website that can access? oh well nothing is impossible right? and yeah i myself prefer disappointed rather than regrets, i dont want myself to regret for not completing my annual blog post before world ends and i hope myself get to reminisce all the memories throughout this year before the world realy ends. i bet three days will be enough for it eh? ok i shall stop crapping and starts squeezing my brain juice n vomit all my memories out now. this blog post will be abit hmm messy? haha hope u guys dont mind cause i'll just type out everything that comes to my mind. hmm perhaps my deepest secrets too? haha ok here comes my super longgggg blog post teehee.

okie in case i'll miss anything lets start with january. hmm i remember i cant realy adapt myself when school starts. form 5? it's too fast! the last year of my secondary school and i'll be facing the scaring spm this year. every teacher that came into our class also talked about spm spm spm. hey is it that important? i dont want to be nerd anymore this year, i've tried to be a nerd during form 4 and it's sucks! so lifeless omg everyday dates books books books and u wanna me to repeat this for another year?! NO WAY! so i told myself no matter what i must truly enjoy myself this year and i guess i did haha.

changed my deskmate this year opps sorry lihan i cant throw grace aside haha she's new in our class rite? so after two years finally we get to sit together again yipeee. describe her? haha hmm a happy go lucky girl? tbh i cant find anyone who hates her she's too nice for everyone. thank you for being my deskmate again i thought we have no chance to sit together again after entering different classes during form 3. thanks for borrowing me your notes i know my writing speed damn slow and oh yea i admit that im lazy haha i prefer copying at home. and yeah thanks for helping me whenever teachers called my name and even help me to keep an eye on teacher while i slept in class oppsiee i've no idea why my desk is more comfortable than my bed this year lol i prefer sleeping in school.

lol ok i shall log in my fb now cant realy remember what've happened in january. owh ok i went kai's hse during cny with my lovely orchestra darlings. chatted alot with hui wen cause i prefer chatting than gambling. we sang alot cny's songs and helped them to clap off beats haha. reg brought me to upstairs coz thr's lion dance. she played kai's piano. we ate alot the food was nice. we tried to let the egg stand but failed. hmm i did enjoyed myself that night.

yeah i still remember i invited my classmate to my hse for bbq party! i went lihan hse in the morning then weiqin's dad fetched us to my hse. they played my wii but ugh sumthing wrong with the wii so end up we chatted and played with lucas. i remember lucas loves ryan alot haha. reg and waiching got sore throat that day but well they still ate alot. we wrote our names and wishes and signed the 'kong ming deng' lol i dont what it called in english hmm lantern? a wonderful night it was :)

oh well i cant go month by month alr i think my brain cant function well. i can just flash back my memories by seeing those pictures in my fb and phone. pictures do helps alot so i must take more pictures next time haha.

ok next it's orchestra valentine's sale! it's a little bittt better than last year coz we dont need to fold the boxes by ourselves. but somehow u still can get mad painting especially when valentine's day is just around the corner. still remember the day we went to jia wei n jian han's house, their living room was in a mess lol some busy painting some busy shellac-ing and some busy writing alphabets. luckily we still manage to finish everything on time durh of course la haha really enjoyed working hard with them :)

move on to the next picture haha ok i saw my first medal yes it's my first medal wootz. it's abit shocking cause i usually dont invlove myself in sports but well as i say i must enjoy myself this year so i try to join as much activities as i could. so yeah i actually can run haha it's my hidden potential hohoho XD

coming up next it's our uniform changing day! i've always wanted to try to wear pengawas uniform and finally i get to try it haha and i think i look good in it lol ok tell u guys a secret, i actually went for pengawas interview when i was in form 1 but failed i didnt get to become a pengawas hehe teacher's comment was im too shy lol okayyy so i was really happy when i get to put on pengawas uniform it's the feeling of dream come true aww

skip skip skip

ahh ok it's my bday woohoo! it's the most special bday celebration i've ever had so far coz it's in the middle of chinese society camp. was touched not because of the surprise *i've alr knew it earlier lol* but the wishes i got from everyone. i didnt know i have so much frens srsly. thank you everyone of u who cares abt me THANK YOU i do appretiate everyone of u :) oh ya not to forget abt the gigantic kitty birthday card from orchestra *thx reg n jiaying* and the 'wedding' birthday pinky album with wishes from all my frens *thx lihan vv ng grace n etc* how wonderful it was. owh ya lastly thx celion for accompanying me to sleep haha i srsly had headache la that night plus i knew u guys...okok too much alr haha anyways thx again ba cant mention everyone one by one here but u know laaaaa XD

ok back to chinese society hmm 3rd camp? i think so...so yeah i became secretary again ._. i duno why i just love secretary even tho i know thr's alot alot alot works for secretary but i still prefer secretary SO STUPID RIGHT? haih hopeless la u vivien nvm at least thr's sumone did praised me before haha right mr G? maybe it's because secretary no need to talk no need to give ideas what u need to do is just write write write type type type and report report report so easy right haha oh well too far alr la come back come back what alr ar.......oh ya camp hmm for me it wasnt realy fun coz i havta take pics again yee i no like la need to run here run there sumore my camera damn heavy ishhh but then end up still ok la i did enjoyed myself plus i did sakai with celion and ziqing ma haha aww we're san gu liu por XP

randomly saw this pic omg im so hungry but it's almost 4am now >&lt;

okie seterusnya, saya dah lupa bila lah we went to UPM *it's not universiti pertanian malaysia lol* for education fair but i prefer calling it as shooting trip cause what we did the most thr was took pictures instead of visiting the booths over thr aiya what to do the edu fair damn lousy la those colleges i dun even seen their names before ._. so we kept on taking pictures and our trip came to an end. too bad reg n zhiying cant join us coz they're too lucky haih :(

lol ok i found another way to get back my memories omg chai wai ching i love die u liao hahaha kindly visit her blog and click the nuffnang for her www.cheriing.blogspot.com see i so good help u promote ur blog haha cause i need ur pictures XD


ughhh i shudnt read her blog omg too much memories ottokae TT ok i shall take a rest now continue tmr!

whee im back! ok today is the last day before world end so i must finish this blog post as soon as possible @@

we celebrated reg's bday earlier this yr i forgot why alr i think bcoz of exam ba. it's a day full of surprises for both of us haha i got my instax camera on that day yay and i think reg din expect so many ppl would be thr to cele bday for her thx lihan and waiching who planned all these. and and and we watched titanic in 3D woohoo finally~

hmm i think i got not enuf time alr so i just post pictures ba :)

joined volleyball competition but i didnt really play just join for fun haha XD

went jiahui's hse for cooking lol we're perfect housewives in the future yay!

sports day! :)

ahaha melissa so cute 

senior page photo shooting ;)

lihan and alvin's bday celebration @old town bk

30 hours famine camp @MMU

science expo during sc & maths week!
cant find the group pic @@

i dont care i wanna work in lab in the future if i din die la XP

orchestra 5th band camp!
and my last band camp too TT

orchestra hari koko performance

first and last performance with my juniors haih

Te Amore Musica <3 p="p">

glad to meet my primary skul classmates, they're so supportive :)

orchestra farewell @ kai's hse

i hate goodbye :(

chinese society committees '12 
we got best society of the yr again :)

 orchestra form 5s~

coming up next is sakais! aww my life in 2012 really really full of them leh. they're like my real siblings my best frens and my best ji muis. we start forming this group and start chatting since 18/7 until now and most importantly we chat EVERYDAY. we laugh tgt, zat ppl tgt, helping one another on homeworks, give supports to one another, comfort one another, hang gai tgt, gila lengzais tgt, siao kpop tgt and sakais tgt whee thank you guys love u all so so much! 

sampat-ing in school with grace and reg haha

 hey reg i indirectly asked ur permission to post it rmb? i said i wanna post everything XP

my very first interview  @ sunway uni

met my primary school besties thr :D

orchestra mesyuarat agung pibg performance :)

last day of school :(

gracey's bday :D

outing with ji muis ^^

a visit to kidzania
my last chance qualified as a KID haha

last chinese lesson with ms tan :)

mpyo's concert
support ryan hehe

i actually asked myself what i want to do if i only left one day in my life. it's too short for me to fulfill all my dreams so yeah i thought of a thing that im able to finish within a day, which is thank all my frens personally! they're too important in my life i mean who can live without frens? so to every of my frens THANK YOU VERY MUCH! im glad to know u guys and i appreciate everyone of u. thanks again from the deepest of my heart :)

ok it's time to spam some pics with my lovely frens hehe...


jason low

joshua wong

yi kang

viviens n lihan









regina aka my best listener n advisor

celion aka my dear

wan qing

jia ying

jia wei

ying ting






jian han

gracey pohteng n ern

beloved flutist :D


and lastly

 gracey and reg haha

ahhhh finally i done my annual blog post teehee regina n weiqin ar satisfy tak? i hope it's long enuf if i've more time i can make it longer de but too bad it's 21.12.12 alr

aww hope world end wont come la i haven work at mcd haven visit paris haven earn my own money haven buy enuf hello kitty etc etc etc

k la i'll stop here if thr's world end then see u guys in my next life la if thr's no world end then hmm see u guys tmr haha buhbyeeee ~
